Dec 2, 2011

What is Survival Sewing??

The idea of "survival" can mean many things to many people. Combine it with "sewing" and there is plenty of room for different ideas. For some, it may relate to search and rescue, wilderness fashion, or expedition outfitting. For others, armageddon, 2012, or zombies will be involved. For me, the idea of "survival sewing" exists on several levels:

1. Even non-traitional sewers should know how to use a needle and thread well enough to make quick fixes when there is no alternative.

2. For anyone needing or interested in saving money, even minimal sewing ability can offer substantial economic benefits. 

3. Sometimes designing, making or modifying outdoor accessories, gear, and clothing is necessary for extreme purposes or situations not serviced by current manufacturers. 

4. Many older, very capable machines can be repaired or maintained almost indefinitely as long as the information, and supplies needed to do so are readily available.

5. Instead of fading into history, the knowledge, skills, and experiences acquired by previous generations should be preserved and practiced where possible. 

Just about all of the information on this site should agree with one or more of those points.

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